Learn how to make Spicy Vegan Sweet Potato, Oats and Chickpeas Burger ~ Indian styled spicy vegan sweet potato, oats and chickpeas burger flavoured with Indian spices
It’s mid-morning here, in a middle of the week. I am at home, alone, surrounded by the pin drop silence broken by the ticking of the small clock on the table. Tick-tock, tick-tock… The scene today can’t be much different to the one exactly a week ago! Our home was anything but silent, with one energetic 5 year old raising the ruckus and me willingly joining him. He is back in school, after a week-long half term vacation and I miss him terribly. ~sigh~

The silence is unbearable… Making me want to scream! Instead, I decide to focus that energy into writing this post. I always write from my heart; memories of my childhood, stories of my life, my failures and frustrations, joy and success and even my ramblings and rants which may not make much sense to most of you! Writing brings me joy, calms my mind and mostly, helped me in building bonds with like-minded people, even with a complete stranger.