Dear Lil Dumpling,
Before I start this letter, I need to grab the tissues, lots of them!
For the past one month all you have been talking about was about your birthday and as exciting as it is for you to finally approach another birthday, I can’t help but wish time moved little slower. Although there were times where I felt the clock was ticking very slowly, but I can’t deny the fact that these were the shortest 6 years of my life…

As they say, the days are longer but the years are shorter and it is more evident to me as a mother of little boy who just turned 6 today. I feel that the years are flying as I desperately try to bottle up your little quirks that I love so much. I don’t ever want to forget how you pause in between the things you are doing to tell me how much you love me. I wish I could bottle your smile, your innocence and have your small hands wrapped around my neck forever. I’m not ready for this. I guess I will never be ready for this…